2018 Pre-Conference Field Tour

Poplar Breeding and Development Program

Hosted by:

Bernie McMahon
University of Minnesota – Natural Resources Research Institute (UM-NRRI)
Contact Bernie with questions. Tel: +1 763-647-0877; Email

Sunday, July 22, 2018


Gather at Hotel Lobby
Embassy Suites Minneapolis Airport Hotel
7901 34th Avenue South, Bloomington, Minnesota 55425
See “Lodging​” tab for hotel reservation information​


Travel, Bloomington to Cohasset, Minnesota


Stop 1: Minnesota Power Property (Cohasset, Minnesota)

2018 (establishment year)
USDA NIFA Populus Genotype x Environment (G x E) Performance Trial
20 clones including 2 standards; 30 ramets per clone; single-tree plots; containerized pre-rooted planting stock

2016 (age 2)
Yield blocks, 400s (3 clones; 10 x 40 block or plot size; 3 reps)
Yield blocks, 100s (3 clones; 10 x 10 block or plot size; 3 reps)

2015 (age 3)
Family field trials (2012 CP P. deltoides x P. nigra (DN) families; 30 families; 20 individuals; 5 reps)
Clone trials (60 clones; single ramet plot size; 10 reps)
Yield blocks (9 clones; 8 x 8 plot size; 4 reps)

2015 & 2016 (age 2 & 3; archive plantings)
​P. deltoides Bartr. Ex Marsh (eastern cottonwood)
P. nigra L. (black poplar)


Florio’s Grill, 105 Old Main Street, Cohasset, Minnesota 55721 ​​


Travel, Cohasset to Grand Rapids, Minnesota


Stop 2-4: University of Minnesota North Central Research and Outreach Center     (Grand Rapids, Minnesota)

Stop 2: Legacy Plantings

2007 (age 11+)
Laurentian Energy Authority yield blocks (7 clones; 8 x 8 plots; 3 reps)

2010 (age 8+)
Sun Grant Initiative clone trials (all NRRI-tested; 70 clones; 2-tree plots; 3 reps)

1997 (age 20+)
University of Minnesota archives (P. deltoides and P. deltoides x P. maximowiczii (DM) hybrids of Dr. Carl Mohn)

2015 & 2016 (age 2 & 3)
NRRI archives (parental collections)

Stop 3: Clonal Stool Beds and Preservation (First-year Coppice)

Section 1: Primary Advanced clones with 2 standards (NM6 and DN5)

Section 2: Secondary Advanced clones (54 clones)

Section 3: Field selections DN clones from Wanderscheid (14 clones)

Section 4: DN Pedigreed 2010 CP and 2010 CP family sets and individuals

Section 5: Populus nigra clones and collections (U. Toronto; GWR; NRRI)

Section 6: 2010 CP DN pedigreed lots and individuals; along with Eastern cottonwood and black poplar parent clones

Stop 4: Progeny Trial (Second Growing Season)

2016 CP population including DD, NN, and DN full-sib lots (>6,500 seedlings)
Proposed plan: Ages 1 yr and 2 yr base data; survival, height, syllepsis, disease
Harvest after 2018: Rising 1-yr whips (2009) processed for establishing 2020 FFT


Travel, Grand Rapids to Duluth, Minnesota


Hotel Check-In  (Duluth, Minnesota)
See “Lodging​ tab for hotel reservation information


Dinner on your own

Monday, July 23, 2018


Stop 5: Tour of the University of Minnesota – Natural Resources Research Institute (UM-NRRI)
Co-hosted by: Drs. Neil Nelson and George Host


TravelDuluth to Rhinelander, Wisconsin


Participate in the Welcome Tour
USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Institute for Applied Ecosystem Studies, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

2018 Conference Logo
Universityi of Minnesota Natural Resources Research Institute
Mapping for the Pre Conference Tour