Informational Brochure
Download an informational brochure about the Short Rotation Woody Crops Operations Working Group.

- Number 17 January 2013 – Jake Eaton Tribute
- Number 16 April 2011
- Number 15_April 2009
- Number 14_March 2007
- Number 13_December 2005
- Number 12_March 2005
- Number 11_August 2002
- Number 10_July 2001
- Number 9_February 2001
- Number 8_August 2000
- Number 7_May 2000
- Number 6_December 1999
- Number 5_July 1999
- Number 4_February 1999
- Number 3_July 1998
- Number 2_February 1998
- Number 1_January 1996
Conference Proceedings or Abstracts:
- Reports from the Short-Rotation Woody Crops Operating Working Group Conference held November 5-8, 2012 are available from the “Conference Reports” button on the homepage of this website. The complete agenda and abstracts and PDF versions of the thirty-six of the fifty-one presentations and posters are available.
- Thirty-one presentations and ten posters given at the Poplar Council of Canada International Conference September 18-22, 2011 are now available online.
- Thirty-two of the thirty-eight presentations given at the Eighth Biennial Short rotation Woody Crops Operations Working Group Conference held in Syracuse, New York are available online. Also an extensive summary of the conference is available in Newsletter number 16 (April 2011).
- Abstracts from the joint SRWCOWG (Seventh) Conference and Short Rotation Crops International (IEA) Conference held 18-21 August 2008 in Minneapolis, MN, USA are available online. An extensive summary of the conference is also available in newsletter number 15 (April 2009).
- An extensive summary of the sessions and field tours at the Sixth Short-Rotation Woody Crops Operations Working Group Conference held September 25-28, 2006 in Pasco, Washington are included in newsletter number 14 (March 2007).
- Abstracts From the Fifth Conference. Short-Rotation Woody Crops Operations Working Group, November 7-10, 2004 Charleston, South Carolina USA. Compiled by Mark Coleman, US Forest Service, Ellington, SC
- Proceedings of the Third Conference. Short-Rotation Woody Crops Operations Working Group, October 10-13, 2000 Syracuse, New York USA Hosted by: State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, compiled by Timothy A. Volk, Lawrence P. Abrahamson, and Jennifer L. Ballard
- Proceedings of the Second Conference. Short-Rotation Woody Crops Operations Working Group, August 25-27, 1998 Vancouver, Washington. Compiled by Bruce R. Hartsough August 1999 (PDF file)
- Proceedings of the First Conference of the Short-Rotation Woody Crops Operations Working Group. September 23-25, 1996. Paducah, Kentucky, USA, Compiled by: Bryce J. Stokes
- Mechanization in Short Rotation, Intensive Culture (SRIC) Forestry: Proceedings of the IEA/BA Task IX, Activity 1 International Conferences. March 1-3, 1994. Edited by Bryce J. Stokes and Timothy P. McDonald.
Selected Reports and Presentations:
- 2014 presentation entitled Bioenergy Use and New Feedstock Developments in the US given by Lynn Wright, to Lund University Biofuels Seminary on October 22, 2014.
- A 2011 report entitled U.S. Billion-Ton Update:Biomass Supply for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry updates and expands the feedstock “Billion-Ton” supply analysis released in 2005. The 2011 report includes a spatial, county by county analysis of potentially available biomass feedstocks, it provides supply curves for individual feedstocks, and models resource availability in a more rigorous manner.
- IEA Bioenergy Task 43 (Biomass Feedstocks for Energy Markets) reports on promising resources includes papers on switchgrass in the US, Eucalyptus in Brazil and Eucalyptus in New Zealand that have been recently updated and added to the IEA Bioenergy Task 43 website library.
- US Woody Crops Yield Summary – Oct 2010 A set of draft tables developed by Lynn Wright for Oak Ridge National Laboratory which summarizes yields at or near maximum MAI of several woody species evaluated for short-rotation woody crop plantings. Comment and additional contributions are welcome.
- Joint DOE and USDA report entitled “A Billion-Ton Feedstock Supply for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry:Technical Feasibility of Annually Supplying 1 Billion Dry Tons of Biomass” A report published in April 2005 discussing the technology assumptions and actions required for the United States to be capable of producing as much as 1 Billion Dry Tons of biomass feedstocks in the future.
- SRWCOWG 10th Anniversary Presentation, presented by Bryce Stokes of the U.S Forest Service on November 10, 2004 at the SRWCOWG Biennial Meeting in Charleston, South Carolina USA.
- Compilation of State-of-the-Art Mechanization Technologies for Short-Rotation Woody Crop Production. November 6, 1996. Prepared by Bruce Hartsough and David Yomogida (PDF file)
News Archives:
- 2014 US Department of Energy Logistics Research Awards
US DOE announces Feedstock Logistics research awards to SUNY and University of Tennessee - 2012 Conference Diversity
Attendees of the 2012 woody crops meeting represented a diverse group from academic and government institution plus private sector entities from the US, UK, Australia, Brazil, Canda, and Mexico - 2012 ZeaChem Biorefinery News
ZeaChem Boardman Biorefinery receivs USDA Biorefinery Assistance Program support in January 2012 and will use hybrid poplar as major feedstock
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes:
- September 28-29, 1995 (Atlanta, GA)
- September 25, 1996 (Paducah, KY)
- March 11-12, 1997 (Pasco, WA)
- August 18, 1998 (Vancouver, WA)
- August 18, 1999 (Alexandria, MN)
- October 11, 2000 (Syracuse, NY)
- August 21, 2001 (St. Paul, MN)
- September 16, 2002 (Alexandria, MN)
- May 19-20, 2003 (Boardman, OR)
- November 8, 2004 (Charleston, SC)
- November 1-2, 2005 (Duluth, MN)
- September 27, 2006 (Pasco, WA)
- July 24, 2007 Conference Call Notes
- August 20, 2008 (Bloomington, MN)
- October 19, 2010 (Syracuse, NY)
- November 7, 2012 (Oak Ridge, TN)