Steering Committee

​2023-2024  Members of the SRWCOWG Steering Committee:

Asia Dowtin

Solomon Ghezehei

Austin Himes

Rich Hallett

Dana Mitchell

Elizabeth Nichols

Heidi Renninger

Liz Rogers (Chair)

Erik Schilling

Courtney Siegert

Nancy Sonti

Ryan Vinhal (Chair)

Ron Zalesny (Co-Chair)

Colleen Zumpf

Michigan State University

NC State University

USDA Forest Service

Mississippi State University

U.S. DOE, Bioenergy Technologies Office

NC State University

Mississippi State University

USDA Forest Service


Mississippi State University

USDA Forest Service

USDA Forest Service

USDA Forest Service

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Short Rotation Woody Crops logo

Past Steering Committees:

2019-2020 Members of the SRWCOWG Steering Committee

Solomon Ghezehei​

North Carolina State University (Chair, 2019-2020)

Dennis Hazel

​North Carolina State University

William Headlee

​University of Arkansas at Monticello (Co-chair, 2019-2020)

Jessica McCord

University of Tennessee

Dana Mitchell​

USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station

Elizabeth Nichols

​North Carolina State University

Tim Rials

​University of Tennessee

Elizabeth Rogers

USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station

Randy Rousseau​

Mississippe State University

Erik Schilling

National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI)

Brian Stanton

​GreenWood Resources

Rick Stonex

GreenWood Resources

Ron Zalensy​

USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station (Co-chair, 2019-2020)

2017-2018 Members of the SRWCOWG Steering Committee

Robert Froese​

Michigan Technological University

Emile Gardiner

​USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station

Solomon Ghezehei

​North Carolina State University

William Headlee

University of Arkansas at Monticello (Co-chair, 2017-2018)

Jessica McCord

University of Tennessee

Bernie McMahon

University of Minnesota -Natural Resources Research Institute

Dana Mitchell

USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station

Tim Rials

University of Tennessee

Randy Rousseau

Mississippi State University

Erik Schilling

National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI)

Brian Stanton

GreenWood Resources

Tim Volk

State University of New York, College of Environmental Science & Forest (ESF)

Bryce Stokes

Navarro Engineering

Lynn Wright

WrightLink Consulting/ORNL

Ron Zalesny

USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station(Chair, 2017-2018)

2015-2016 Members of the SRWCOWG Steering Committee

Larry Abrahamson​

State University of New York, College of Environmental Science & Forestry

Mike Berk

​Greenwood Resources

Marilyn Buford

​USDA Forest Service, Headquarters

Mark Coleman

University of Idaho

Bruce Hartsough

University of California, Davis

William Headlee

Iowa State University

Mark Poirier

Bionera Resources Inc.

Gary Kling

University of Illinois

Ray Miller

Michigan State University

Tim Rials

University of Tennessee (Co-Chair 2015-2016

Randy Rousseau

Mississippi State University (Chair 2015-2016)

Bryce Stokes

Navarro Engineering

Erik Schilling

National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI)

Tim Volk

State University of New York, College of Environmental Science & Forest (ESF)

Mike Cunningham

ArborGen, LLC

Lynn Wright

WrightLink Consulting/ORNL

Ron Zalesny

USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station

2013-2014 Members of the SRWCOWG Steering Committee

Larry Abrahamson​

State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Bill Berguson

​Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota

Mike Berk​

​Greenwood Resources

Marilyn Buford

USDA Forest Service, Headquarters

Mark Coleman

University of Idaho

Mark Downing

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Bruce Hartsough

University of California, Davis

William Headlee

Iowa State University

John Kitchen

PRT Inc.

Gary Kling

University of Illinois

Ray Miller

Michigan State University

Tim Rials​

University of Tennessee

Randy Rousseau

Mississippi State University

Bryce Stokes

Navarro Engineering

Erik Schilling

National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI)

Tim Volk

State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forest (ESF)

Jeff Wright

ArborGen, LLC

Ron Zalesny, Jr.

USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station

2011-2012 Members of the SRWCOWG Steering Committee

Larry Abrahamson

State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry​

Bruce Arnold

​Representative of “25 x 25” group

Bill Berguson

​Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota

Marilyn Buford

USDA Forest Service, Headquarters

Mark Coleman

University of Idaho

Mike Berk

Greenwood Resources

Bruce Hartsough

University of California, Davis

John Kitchen

PRT Inc.

Ray Miller

Michigan State University

Bob Perlack

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Mike Berk

Greenwood Resources

Randy Rousseau

Mississippi State University

Bryce Stokes

Navarro Engineering

Erik Schilling

National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI)

Jeff Wright

ArborGen, LLC

Mike Young

Verso Paper

Ron Zalesny, Jr

USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station

2009-2010 Members of the SRWCOWG Steering Committee

Larry Abrahamson​

State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Bruce Arnold

​Representative of “25 x 25” group

Bill Berguson

Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota

Marilyn Buford

USDA Forest Service, Headquarters

Mark Coleman

University of Idaho

Mark Downing

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Jake Eaton

Greenwood Resources

Bruce Hartsough

University of California, Davis

Bob Perlack

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Tim Rials

University of Tennessee

Richard Shuren

Greenwood Resources

Randy Rousseau

Mississippi State University

Bryce Stokes

Navarro Engineering

Eric Schilling

National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI)

Jeff Wright

ArborGen, LLC

Mike Young

Verso Paper

Ron Zalesny, Jr.

USDA Forest Service, Northern Region

2007-2008 Members of the SRWCOWG Steering Committee

Larry Abrahamson​

State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Bruce Arnold

​Representative of “25 x 25” group

Bill Berguson

​Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota

Marilyn Buford, Chair

USDA Forest Service, Headquarters

Mark Coleman

University of Idaho

Mark Downing

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Jake Eaton

Greenwood Resources

Bruce Hartsough

University of California, Davis

Bob Perlack

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)